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White Water Rafting Safety

The Downstream Approach To Safety

At Downstream Adventures, our number one priority is providing you with the safest and most exciting rafting experience possible. Our knowledgeable and experienced instructors will equip you with all the necessary information to have a smooth and enjoyable ride on the river! We start each tour with a 10-15 minute orientation, where you will be instructed on general white water rafting safety procedures, such as staying in the boat and what to do if you fall out. We will then split into smaller groups so you can meet your instructor and learn about paddle commands.

Clear Creek is a wild and free flowing river, which holds inherent risks for adventure seekers. However, Downstream Adventures strives to take every precaution to provide you with the safest possible rafting excursion. Please consider any physical limitations your group may have when booking your trip, and feel free to call if you have any questions regarding the difficulties of any Clear Creek rafting trips we offer.

We ensure all our guides have been certified in CPR/First Aid and trained in life-saving swiftwater rescue techniques at the very least. Each of our rafting guides have met the requirements of the State of Colorado for professional river guides, most have gone far beyond what is required. We also employ world-class safety kayakers to back up your world-class guides in their efforts to keep you safe on the water. Rest assured — you’re in safe hands! Let Downstream Adventures take you on an epic ride!

What To Bring

  • Any white water gear or clothing, if you have it! Please note that due to industry standards, you must use the personal flotation devices (PFDs) that we provide.
  • Layers of synthetic fleece and wool. Cotton does not retain heat when wet and is not recommended. Tops, bottoms, socks, and anything else warm (not cotton!) come in handy during early season and on rainy days.
  • Secure shoes that you don’t mind getting wet. Sports sandals with secure straps are fine, but please do not bring Crocs or any flip flops. You will want your footwear to stay on in the event of a swim. Wool, fleece, or neoprene socks will help keep you warm on chilly days.
  • Dry clothes and a towel. You may be a bit chilly after the trip, and no one wants to head home sopping wet!
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat. Baseball caps may be worn under the helmets. You will likely want a strap for your sunglasses, too. If you don’t have any, we sell them in our store, so feel free to pick them up.

What To Leave At Home

Clear Creek has a thirst for valuables.


Please do not bring:


  • Jewelry
  • Phones
  • Cameras
  • And various other expensive trinkets


We recommend that you do not take valuable items rafting unless you are willing to accept the risk of dropping it in the water.